Butterfly families

Butterfly families

Family Common name Characteristics Image
Hedylidae American moth-butterflies Small, brown, like geometrid moths; antennae not clubbed; long slim abdomen Macrosoma sp (Hedylidae) (15273846876).jpg
Hesperiidae Skippers Small, darting flight; clubs on antennae hooked backwards Hesperia comma-01 (xndr).jpg
Lycaenidae Blues, coppers, hairstreaks Small, brightly coloured; often have false heads with eyespots and small tails resembling antennae Maculinea arion Large Blue Upperside SFrance 2009-07-18.jpg
Nymphalidae Brush-footed or four-footed butterflies Usually have reduced forelegs, so appear four-legged; often brightly coloured AD2009Aug01 Vanessa atalanta 01.jpg
Papilionidae Swallowtails Often have 'tails' on wings; caterpillar generates foul taste with osmeterium organ; pupa supported by silk girdle Papilio troilus01.jpg
Pieridae Whites and allies Mostly white, yellow or orange; some serious pests of Brassica; pupa supported by silk girdle Large white spread wings.jpg
Riodinidae Metalmarks Often have metallic spots on wings; often conspicuously coloured with black, orange and blue RhetusButterfly.jpg


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